We met one of the participants from our very first Inner Power training in The Netherlands, shortly after she attended the program, along with six other women from Huizen, a town in the middle of The Netherlands. She herself has been living in Huizen for 14 years. She is currently in a stage of life where she is looking for work, a job that really suits her.
During the Inner Power training, it became very clear to her what she does and does not want. She found out that coaching or training people makes her happy and what she does not want for herself anymore is to operate below her level. ‘That really was an unpleasant experience. I am outgoing and creative. Not everyone can stand that. I like to think outside the box.’
‘During the training, I experienced the power and fun of a Beehive. In the Beehive, everyone's qualities fall into place. You grow and support others in their growth. Together you flourish. The beauty of it is that everyone comes here both to get something and to bring something. So, subconsciously you are already connected and a kind of chemistry develops. But all of this only works if there is safety in the group. It’s the foundation.’
Her quote about the Inner Power program:
‘You go on a journey together. Some might go a little faster than others, but that’s ok. You stand still for a moment and you wait for the others to join you. Or you take a step back, but the group stays together. Safety and adventure is what you experience.’
