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The Buzz Georgia joy


Updated: Nov 2, 2022

A recap of the Impact & Review visit to Georgia written by Shari Veldhuizen:

As part of Buzz Women's global alignment, my colleague Ama van Dantzig and I went on a monitoring and evaluation mission to our Buzz Georgia office in Tbilisi. Buzz Georgia started in 2019 to reach Georgian women to provide entrepreneurial and personal development training.

A trip I won’t soon forget.🧡

In order to shape the future steps of Buzz Georgia, based on the needs and wishes of the existing Buzz Georgia community and Buzz Georgia trainers, we facilitated a focus group discussion amongst 33 Buzz Ambassadors and trained 15 Buzz Georgia trainers in teambuilding exercises, training & leadership skills and exchange of knowledge and experience. Allowing us to collect lots of valuable insights into what has worked well and what has been challenging in the past years.

Seeing what the Buzz Georgia team has accomplished in the past three years really is mind-blowing. The trust they have build among the women, the values they carry out and the pride all stakeholders expressed in being part of Buzz proofs the universal strength of Buzz’s mission.

I take with me the joy the Buzz Georgia community radiated, their determination to create something for themselves and their fellow women, their courage to dream BIG and their support in building and connecting the Buzz Women global movement consisting of over 350.000 women from India, The Gambia, Georgia and The Netherlands!

A huge thank you to my dear colleague and friend Maya for being such an inspirational leader, fearlessly pushing boundaries and making miracles happen.


Buzz Georgia is part of the USAID YES GEORGIA Program: "Supporting Youth and Women Entrepreneurship in Georgia"

USAID YES-Georgia, implemented by the Crystal Fund with the financial support of the American people through USAID and the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative. Additional financial support is provided by JSC MFO Crystal.


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