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Sowbhagya Skilled Herself and Made Smart Business Decisions


Sowbhagya, a 35-year-old housewife from Sondekoppa village, had not even thought that she could also earn money. Even though she knew to tailor, she never thought of it as a skill that she could use to earn an income. But her thinking had to inevitably change after the Buzz training. She could no longer be content with being a non-earning member of her family. She could no longer allow her skills to rust away without being put to the right use. A disruption happened within her.

Sowbhagya did a thorough inquiry about what course she could attend to improve her tailoring skills. She found one in the nearby town and decided that she will attend it. How would she pay the fees? She had plans. She decided to stitch clothes for her neighbours and with the money, she would pay her fees. This was indeed a smart plan. She did not take any loan or get into debt. She found a good plan to meet her needs, and she carried out her plan with great determination.

Within a few months, she completed her course and was confident that she could start a tailoring shop. But she wouldn’t jump into it without being sure about her earnings. She waited it out for some time – by taking tailoring work in her house and until she saved Rs 20,000. Once she had this money with her, she built a small shop unit in front of her house. And her sharp mind did not stop with that. This would not just be a tailoring shop, she decided to start a provision store as well in that space!

We just loved how enterprising Sowbhagya became once the change in her got triggered. She is an unstoppable force now. Both her businesses are thriving and Sowbhagya is all smiles when she talks about how her life has changed.


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