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Shobha is making profits


Shobha came to us and said she wanted a loan. We are happy to announce that within 2 months of taking the Self-Shakti Program reaching her, she has opened her boutique by financing her capital amount partly from her savings and partly from her cousin. She moved her tailoring business from within her home to a shop for a deposit of Rs.5,000 and on a monthly rent of Rs.500. At present she is managing to meet her customers’ demand on her own though she is planning to employ more tailors soon.

The proud owner of the boutique claimed that as there were many festivals in October like Dasara, Mahalaya Amavasya and Bakrid she had many orders, fetching  her  a profit ofRs.30,000 after meeting all her business expenses. If this story does not make us Buzzers proud of our work, what else will?



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