Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change a community. A SHG from Tumkur district in India received the Buzz Inner Power training and from that group Asha got chosen as the Buzz Anchor woman.
As part of her new role she underwent the Anchor Women Fellowhip training to enhance her leadership skills and through this training she got interested and motivated to work for the community.
Before the training she had never thought about community work and neither did her SHG. After the training and with the motivation of their anchor woman they made a plan to work on community development. From their savings as a group they helped cancer affected women and also bought a projector for a local school to support quality education.
They believe, as a group they can work for a good cause and change the community together. They even learned that their contribution inspired others to also think of how they can give back to the community.

With the Buzz training we try to provide a place where ideas can be born without judgement and can be manifested through support of fellow women. Because together we can change the world!