It was the 19th of March, Malur (India). It would be an unforgettable and impressive day. Please let me share my story with you.
At 8.30 am on a sunny morning we left Bangalore for a 2 hour drive to the village Malur. We couldn’t find the exact location we were looking for. Some wrong directions from the villagers didn’t contribute. It is funny to experience they prefer to give a wrong direction than no direction. Twenty minutes later we arrived at our destination. Uthara, Nicola, Dave and I walked in this dirt road and there we saw it. The Buzz! A strong, solid orange bus with two big opened doors and 25 chairs prepared. Dave knew his dream became reality, but now he could see it with his own eyes.
The bus attracts many curious villagers and a group of interested boys and men are sitting at large stones. Soon the 25 chairs were filled with women of all ages so the training could start. With all his enthusiasm and a big smile, Chandru the Buzz trainer made sure the women were feeling comfortable. They were doing roll plays, got explanation about household expenses, and savings. What I saw were the interested and sincere eyes of the women, laughing with each other and the opportunity to learn again. Imagine yourself a woman of 40 years old who went to school until the age of 12 and couldn’t continue because of work and marriage. Now, 28 years later, after attending a Buzz training she said to Chandru: ‘You really made me think. Nobody ever asked me, what is your dream?’ When Uthara told me this story, i got goosebumps. This is why Buzz exists…

In the afternoon we went to 6 different women who attended the Self-Shakti Program 3 months ago. The first woman we met, Miss Amarawati started her own vegetable business now. In the past she used to take care of the household. Full of pride with her beautiful blue sari, she was telling that she found the courage to start her own business. Her husband said he was very proud at her, I totally agree.
When we arrived at the house of Miss Laxmy she invited us to come in and they made us an lemon juice (I really admire the Indian hospitality). Soon some other women of the village came in as well. ‘What mark would you give your life before and after the Buzz?’ I asked her. ‘I’m for 100% happy right now. My husband used to take care of us, but now I can contribute in a financial way as well’. I can imagine what it does with the self-esteem and self-confidence of this women… She also would love to learn more and is willing to pay for it, because she knows how valuable it is. For us the confirmation to work out the Buzz + program. The other women in the house were holding a sign-up paper for Buzz in their hands. It makes me pride that Miss Laxmy became a roll model for them.
I really believe in the fantastic and touching concept Buzz. We made a simple but genuine strategy plan which we can present to Indian cooperates. My motivation for Buzz in Holland became very simple: For each founder I find, 400 women in India can attend a Self-Shakti program and will have the opportunity to a more beautiful life.
For Buzz and Better Future Miss Amarawati and Miss Laxmy a great examples. But maybe more important, the Buzz (re)awakened the dreams of the women. And wouldn’t it be great if we could spread it out all over the world and awaken dreams of as many women as possible?