Our impact is pushing us to do more! We want to create more women who just can’t stay poor! Our simple two-half day training and long term hand-holding has miraculously changed the fortunes of 15000 low income women in the last five years. When we got to see how the training changed their lives, we got bitten by the urge to do more and impact many more lives. There are 3 million low income women in the state of Karnataka, India. We want to impact 1 million women by 2025! A tall order that is and we are taking up a massive scale-up challenge! 8 years to go – 1 million women to reach – Scale to 66 times the current capacity
We want to impact 1 million women by 2025!
1 million women will be trained by Buzz India
5,000,000 rural people touched by Buzz India will change their attitude from ‘day to day living’ to thinking about the future, visualizing and achieving their life goals
150,000 women will start new businesses
950,000 families will stop borrowing from money lenders
1,000,000 women will have bank accounts and enroll into government sponsored insurance schemes
Here’s how we plan to reach this goal:
We will train 112000 women every year from 2018 through 2025 (80,000 women in 2017)
We will empower 560 rural women every year to become community leaders called as Buzz Gelathi’s/Friends
Through these women, we will ensure long-term behavioural change
From 4 buses our fleet will grow to 14 buses by 2025
The number of trainers will be more than double—from 12 to 28<
What are the long term changes that our work will bring about?
Our women will and their families will live with increased financial security – sustained income generation increased savings, reduced debt, increased use of insurance, pension products
Our women will become empowered individuals who are problem solvers in their own lives and have overcome poverty
Our women will demonstrate leadership by bringing their communities together to solve community level problems
Join Us in Our Big Dream Monetary Contribution:
Sponsor a training
Sponsor a trainer
Adopt a village
Fund a woman leader in the village (Buzz Gelathi)
Fund a training bus I Sponsor our post-training outreach
Non-monetary Contribution:
Offer your expertise – Mentoring, writing, photography, video-making, photograph etc
Join us on our village visits
Volunteer as a trainer
Fundraise for us
Talk about us on social media
Share information that you think will help us do a better job
Write to us – ask@buzzindia.co