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Meeting the Needs of a Special Child and Running a Business


Updated: Mar 23, 2022

For Geetha and her husband, Dhyanappa, have a two-year-old child with special needs to take care of. It is demanding – both emotionally and financially – financial needs coming only second.

Geetha, who had a job at the local garment factory had to quit to take care of her baby. Her mother instead decided to take the job in her stead. Dhyanappa also worked in the factory but each time he took off from work to take their child to the hospital, he lost the day’s wages. It was also not easy to manage the displeasure of his superiors for his absence.

After Geeta attended the Self Shakti training, Geetha felt something change from within. She felt there could be a way to unburden herself. She thought, “Why can I not do something on my own?”. She went back home and started discussing with her husband about possibilities – about how she could start doing something from the comforts of her home itself.

He agreed that it was a good idea and since they both have experience working at the garment factory, they decided to start a small garment unit. They rented out a room next to their home and invested in a machine to stitch shirt pieces. They took small orders in the beginning as she worked at the shop early mornings and late nights while her husband and mother could take care of the child. Soon she started getting more orders and Dhyanappa also felt he could leave his job and join hands with Geetha.

Both Geetha and Dhyanappa are now running the garment business using the flexibility of being right next to their home, making themselves available for their child throughout. Their income has also increased and they can be at peace about their finances. Geetha says, ‘Rather than moping over what happened to my child, I decided it is time to accept and move on; to take charge and do something with my life.’ This is indeed a huge emotional reprieve for both Geetha and her husband. All they needed was that one nudge to break away feeling pulled down by their fate. They have now opened a new perspective to look at life.


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