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Manifesting your dreams


Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Tamuna Abuladze is the owner of the "Wine Diamond" brand. Earlier this month she participated in the Madatart Artists Exhibition in New York. With the support from the Buzz Georgia program, Tamuna gained entrepreneurship and leadership skills. Apart from reaching out to European markets, Tamuna has recently accessed the U.S. market to expand her business and increase her opportunities.

"My first victory and joy was when the Buzz Georgia program chose me as its Ambassador, it was a great honor for me. I live by their principles, trying to empower female entrepreneurs, setting an example and motivating them to believe that everything is possible. The fact that during the training we have always been told to believe in our capabilities, that we can do anything and that we are strong and the best, impressed me a lot. We have been encouraged to become friends and share each other's success. All these played a significant role in my further development. I met a lot of talented people here, who I still collaborate and am friends with. Visiting the USA was exactly the dream I voiced at the very first time at the Buzz Georgia training. I immediately thought that I would definitely turn this dream into reality and I did. This has been the best project in which I have participated so far, which has changed my whole life," Tamuna told us.


Buzz Georgia is part of the USAID YES GEORGIA Program: "Supporting Youth and Women Entrepreneurship in Georgia"

USAID YES-Georgia, implemented by the Crystal Fund with the financial support of the American people through USAID and the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative. Additional financial support is provided by JSC MFO Crystal.


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