Fatou Secka is a talented young lady. She is gifted with artistic skills and pays great attention to detail. Fatou never knew she could make a significant difference with her artistic skills by turning it into a business. She used to work from home and make some money, but she struggled with managing her finances.
In November 2022, Buzz Women met Fatou at a job fair in Bakau, organized by the GGAC (The Gambia German Advisory Centre). Over the years, we have been thrilled to see the remarkable transformation of Fatou from working at home and struggling with her finances to becoming a fully established business owner with new services.
Our unwavering belief in the power within women to transform their own lives and be responsible for their growth is stronger than ever. Our goal is to make a lasting impact by enabling women to become future makers. Click to watch and learn more from Fatou Secka.