Hello I’m Amma Jan B,
I’m 23 year old from Peresandra village, Chikkaballapura. I want to share with you my story of transformation. Going from shy Amma Jan to confident Amma Jan, which is the result of the Spoorthi training and being a Buzz Gelathi.

I always wanted to study something that would add wings to my dreams. But, post my completion of PUC 2nd, though I had enrolled into BE Aeronautical Engineering, my parents got me married in between her course. This clipped my dreams of studying further. I always wanted to study something that would add wings to my dreams. But, post my completion of PUC 2nd, though I had enrolled into BE Aeronautical Engineering, my parents got me married in between her course. This clipped my dreams of studying further.
I attended Buzz's Self Shakti training, as a result of the mobilization effort of the Anganawadi teacher. The Self Shakti, filled me with the necessary confidence, courage and communication skills, that after completing the training, I voluntarily came forward to become the Gelathi (anchor woman), as I knew my dreams can be achieved by undergoing further interventions from Buzz Women. Once I became the community's Gelathi, I underwent the Spoorthi fellowship by Buzz, which made me start dreaming of my education all over again.
At Spoorthi, I was told the power of knowledge and was encouraged to continue my education. I convinced my husband & family members to support me and allow me to study further. Today, who I see is Amma Jan, who is a student again, studying 7th semester of BE Aeronautical Engineering at Sri Jagadguru Chandrashekaranatha Swamiji Institute of Technology, Chikkaballapura. I add more feathers to my dreams by aspiring to become a pilot!