Hello I’m Musu Koi Tamba. Our village is among the active producers of charcoal in the Gambia a few weeks ago government imposed a ban on the production of charcoal, which is the main source of income for the people of our village and especially for the women.
Many of us women were not happy with the ban and wondered what to do to support our families. After a thorough thought about the situation, I suggested we can replace the charcoal trade with the selling of “Kabba” A wild fruit Mainly collected in the Foni’s and the Casamance region of Senegal. However, the “Kabba” collection is seasonal but we can use it as a source of income to start other forms of business when its season closes.
We sometimes find it difficult to think in line with the women that are not trained, despite the ban we can improvise and do something new with the “Kabba”. I am glad that we started this Jambar Fund initiative to get many women to think in a similar pattern like us Buzz Trained women. In creating a thriving, self-sufficient, and self-reliant rural community with confident, financially secured women who are community influencers.
We are also contributing one dalasi daily to empower another woman with financial, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills through the Buzz Women Jambarr Fund an Initiative designed for women empowering themselves and others.
